With every New Year comes promise and potential. How can we
take next steps in our walks with Jesus?
For some of us, 2015 may have been unbearable and 2016
doesn’t look too promising. We’ve all had some not so great days,
months or years that if we’re not careful can strip away the hope
we have for this world and the people in it.
Paul’s ministry was difficult at best. He faced some ridiculous
adversity and continued to worship God regardless of
circumstances. That choice he made daily can be seen in
Philippians 1:20-26.
Paul writes the church and expresses honestly how inviting it
would be to leave this world and all its trouble behind (Philippians
Paul knew that death would bring on the peaceful eternity he so
strongly desired. But he also knew he had a responsibility on earth
to continue to spread the Gospel for those who were new to the
faith or had yet to come to know Christ. “I know that I will remain,
and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in
(Philippians 1:25). the faith”
Paul wasn’t actually choosing life or death, he was choosing the
attitude he would have.
If we can look at 2015 with Paul’s selflessness, it is sure to be a
year to remember. Showing purpose in activity and relationships
allows God to use our lives to further His will.
What is one way you can make others more important this year
than you did last?
How can you choose to see potential and remain positive
throughout the year?
All of us have a purpose to fulfil in this new year. What is yours
going to be?