Ephesians Chapters 1-3 reveals our Identity, Belonging and Purpose. David Smith Senior Pastor of Kingsgate Community Church Peterborough in his Transformed Life 50 day devotional encourages every believer to declare theses truths to yourselves
- The identity question …who am I,
- The longing question … where do I belong , where do I fit in life
- Then the purpose question … what am I living for.
Answer the To answer the Question of Identity Who am I? the Apostle Paul reveals to us
- In Christ I have a new identity (1;1)
- In Christ I am a saint (1:1)
- In Christ I am a recipient of grace and peace (1:2)
- In Christ I am blessed with all spiritual blessings (1:3)
- In Christ I have been chosen to be holy from before the foundation of the world (1:4)
- In Christ I have been predestined to be His Child (1.5)
- In Christ I am highly favoured (1:6)
- In Christ I am redeemed (1:7)
- In Christ I am forgiven(1:7)
- In Christ I am expectant (1:9-10)
- In Christ I am sealed with the Spirit (1:13)
- In Christ I have the Spirit as a deposit of the future (1:14)
- In Christ I am greatly loved (2:4)
- In Christ I have come alive (2:5)
- In Christ I’ve been raised up and seated with him in heavenly places (2:6)
- In Christ I am saved by grace through faith (2:8)
- In Christ I am God’s workmanship (2:10)
- In Christ I am a new Creation (2:10)
TO THE QUESTION OF Belonging WHERE DO I BELONG / WHERE DO I FIT IN — Declare these promises
- In Christ I belong to the family of God (1:1-2)
- In Christ I am included in the people of God (1:13)
- In Christ I am part of His body (1:23)
- In Christ I have been brought near to God (2:13)
- In Christ I am part of a new race (2.15)
- In Christ I have access to the Father by the Spirit (2:18)
- In Christ I am a fellow citizen with God’s people (2:19)
- In Christ I am a member of God’s household (2:19)
- In Christ I am part of His holy temple (2:21)
- In Christ I am part of His dwelling place (2:22)
The Question of PURPOSE / WHAT AM I LIVING FOR? Declare these truths
- In Christ I have a new purpose in God (1:1)
- In Christ I am to live for the praise of His Glory (1:6,12, 14)
- In Christ I have works that God has planned in advance for me to do. (2:10)
- In Christ I have an assignment from God (3:1-2)
- In Christ I have been uniquely gifted by God (3:2-6)
- In Christ I can be humble and powerful (3:7)
- In Christ I am a servant of the gospel (3:7-8 )
- In Christ I am called to serve the Church (3:10)
- In Christ I am called to serve God’s eternal purpose (3:11)
- In Christ I am called to suffering and glory (3:13)
- The identity question …who am I,
- The longing question … where do I belong , where do I fit in life
- Then the purpose question … what am I living for.
- The answers are all found IN CHRIST
But there is one more amazing thing chapter 1-3 of Ephesians shows us wonderful Prayer promises
- In Christ I can pray to the Father (1:7;3:14)
- In Christ I can pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (1:17)
- In Christ I can pray to know God better (1:17)
- In Christ I pray to be enlightened (1:18)
- In Christ I can pray to know the hope of his calling (1:18)
- In Christ I can pray to know to know the riches of his inheritance (1:18)
- In Christ I can pray to know the greatness of his power (1:19-20)
- In Christ I can pray to a gloriously rich father (3:24)
- In Christ I can pray for strengthening of the Spirit (3:16)
- In Christ I can pray I can pray to know the indwelling of his presence (3:17)
- In Christ I can pray to be rooted and established in love (3:17)
- In Christ I can pray to know the dimensions of His love (3:18-19)
- In Christ I can pray to be filled to the fullness of God ( 3:19)
- In Christ I can pray knowing that God is able to immeasurably more than I ask or imagine (3:20)
- In Christ I can pray knowing that all the glory goes to him, for ever and ever . (3:21)
And in light of all those truths and promises over and upon our lives and in our lives because of Christ Jesus … paul begins Ephesians 4 :1 by saying ….I therefore ( I light of all this I ), urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,