Serving Form Serving Bethel FamilyWe would love has many, if not all of the 158 adults of the Bethel family to volunteer and serve one another in some may. The Dream for us would be that we get to a position that each person would only have to serve one Sunday every 4-6 weeks but this will only be possible if many volunteer. Each Sunday we estimate we need 20-25 persons to volunteer. Please tick a box of the area(s) you would be willing to serve. if you tick more than one etc, know we will only allocate you appropriately and sensibly.First Name *Surname *Email Address *CAR PARK TEAMFirst impressions count for a lot, join a team that makes sure people know where to park upon arrival and do so correctly, making the most of the limited space we have. Arrival 9.15am - 10.45am refreshments provided!Car ParkI would like to help with Car Park dutiesWELCOME TEAMBe part of a team that has the wonderful opportunity to welcome and engage with people as they arrive, point people in the right direction. Arrival time - 9.30am – 10.45am. (why not do this with a friend, and have some fun or maybe as a couple, or family !) Be a joy bringer to someone’s morning! Also, are you Social Media savvy? Why not be part of the team that welcomes and engages with our the online viewers, bringing encouragement and joy to those watching.Welcome TeamI would like to be part of the Welcome TeamREFRESHMENTS TEAMBe part of a morning team that blesses people by serving refreshments, either before or after service from the kitchen in the Hub. This operation should be much easier now than previous due to kitchen facility and Hot Water boiler available. Pre -service 9 15am preparationServing from 9.45am to 10.25am Post service – leave service on last song and prep – and serve as long as needs to probably no longer than 45minutes. Clean and tidy up.Catering TeamI would like to be part of the Catering TeamSTEWARDING TEAMMonitoring the Auditorium – serve people who are late by showing them to a seat if needed. Taking up offering, serving communion on occasions. Collecting Monies taken and counting and recording it after the service.Stewarding TeamI would like to be part of the Stewarding TeamCOMMUNIONJoin a team that serves the congregation by preparing communion and then clears and washes cups and plates after the service CommunionI would like to help with CommunionMEDIA TEAMServe the church by learning and developing alongside the existing media team, by helping in lighting, sound and online technology. Word projection – Serving the congregation by transmitting words on to screen for worship. *Training in both these areas will be givenMedia TeamI would like to part of the Media TeamBETHEL KIDS TEAMThe Kids ministry has always flourished at Bethel, However we are currently low on leaders and helpers and we don’t want this to be left to the few. Please could you consider serving our kids under the leadership and guidance of Del Solway & Hannah Marsh. *DBS checks will be undertaken.Bethel Kids TeamI would like to help in a Leader's RoleI would like to help in an Assistant's RoleBETHEL YOUTH TEAMJoin the team that serves our youth in their Spiritual development on a Sunday Morning. Currently this team is very small, please consider this area of serving. *DBS checks will be undertakenBethel Youth TeamI would like to help in a Leader's RoleI would like to help in an Assistant's RoleSUNDAY SUPERVISORAn on call supervisor if anything is required on site on a Sunday morningSunday SupervisorI would like to help in the Supervisor RoleWORSHIP TEAMPlease speak to Lowri if you have a musical interest in serving the church in this way.Worship TeamI am interested in joining the Worship TeamSOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISINGPosting our services and events on social media throughout the week.Social MediaI would like to help out with Social MediaPractical NeedsPRACTICAL PREPARATIONSAs the building in is constant use, we require help to keep it clean and tidy. Below are the available slots for helping with this:MONDAYS1 hour on Monday – To hoover/clean The Hub & kitchen – to empty the binsCleaningI would like to help on MondaysWEDNESDAYS1 hour on Wednesday - Hoover the main Auditorium and landing areasCleaningI would like to help on WednesdaysTHURSDAYS1 hour on Thursday – hoover the stairs & kids room and freshen up the upstairs toilet area.CleaningI would like to help on ThursdaysTHURSDAYSCheck that everything is ok after the week’s events – hoover The Hub and empty bins.CleaningI would like to help on SaturdaysOutside of SundaysThese are all ways in which you can serve one another, the family as you are served by one another on Sundays. Not everything happens on a Sunday though; there are areas you can help with during the week as well:BETHEL TOTSServe parents and grandparents of the community at Bethel Tots: Tuesdays from 9.30 - 11.30am - term time only (speak to Del Solway)Bethel TotsI would like to help out with Bethel TotsBETHEL YOUTHServe our own youth and those from the community on Friday evenings at their youth club 7pm – 9.30pm, (speak to Stephen Brouwer) Bethel YouthI would like to help out with Bethel YouthMAINTENANCE TEAMBethel Maintance team – looking after grounds and building of Hill House (Speak to Malory Stanford)Maintenance TeamI would like to help out with MaintenanceFINANCE & ADMINISTRATIONServe on the church’s Finance and Administration team (Speak to Joel Solway/Ps Tim Howells)Finance & AdministrationI would like to help out with Finance & AdministrationMENTORINGServe within our mentoring programme GROW or allow someone serve you by having a mentor (speak to Mark Andrews)MentoringI would like to help in the Mentoring programmeI would like to have a MentorTRANSFORMING LIVES FOR GOOD (TLG)Serve the schools and pupils with one to one support one hour a week, for one year with our TLG initiative (Speak to Del Solway)TLG ProgrammeI would like to help in the TLG ProgrammeCARMARTHEN FOODBANKServe in the Carmarthen Food bank a couple of hours a week (Speak to Caz Yelland)Foodbank ProgrammeI would like to help in the Foodbank ProgrammeCOMMUNITY MONEY ADVICE (CMA)Considering in becoming a Community Money Advice adviser? (Speak to Caz Yelland)CMAI would like to help in the CMA ProgrammeSTREET WORKServe by speaking and praying with people on the streets of Carmarthen (Speak to Tim Asibey-Berko)Street WorkI would like to help in the Street Work ProgrammeCARETAKERSWe would also like to create a team of caretakers that are available to open and close Hill House if Tim and others are not able to. (Please Speak to Arjen Brouwer) Do you have any background in dealing with Health and Safety and/or fire regulations? also please speak to Arjen.CaretakerI would like to be part of the Caretaker's TeamI am able to help with Health & Safety RequirementsI am able to help with Fire RegulationsSend MessagePlease do not fill in this field.