Spiritual Gifts

Over the coming weeks we start a series looking at Spiritual gifts

God gives us the gifts of the Spirit to fulfil the purpose of the church — reaching people far from God and teaching them how to follow Jesus step by step. Paul tells us: “All [the gifts] are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines” (1 Corinthians 12:11).

The gifts of the Spirit are beyond our natural physical and intellectual abilities; they are supernatural. They are Jesus working in us. He uses the natural (us) to bring out the supernatural (Him). This happens through our faith in Him and our willingness to share the grace we have been given with others.

A common question is: “How do I know my gift, and how do I use it?” This boils down to finding how God has equipped you to share the grace of Jesus.

Here are three ways to discover your spiritual gifts:


  1. Ask God. He created us, knows us best, and gave us our spiritual gifts, so He is the best one to show us what they are.


  1. Change your thinking from “What is my gift?” to “How can I give?”


  1. Start serving at church, home, work, and the community.   As we begin to serve with the giving mind set of God and the desire to share His grace, we create opportunities for God to reveal our gifts to us.


Whatever your gift, it is heavenly designed just for you. Using your gift is how Jesus’ light shines through you into this dark world.

Think about –

  • What is one way you can give in order to find out your gift?
  • What is one way you can step out in faith and begin serving those around you?
  • If you know your spiritual gift, what is one way you can use it to reveal God’s grace?.


Living the Transformed Life of who you are in Christ

Ephesians Chapters  1-3  reveals our Identity, Belonging and Purpose. David Smith Senior Pastor of Kingsgate  Community Church  Peterborough  in his Transformed Life 50 day devotional   encourages every believer to declare theses truths to yourselves

  • The identity question …who am I,
  • The longing question … where do I belong , where do I fit in life
  • Then the purpose question … what am I living for.

Answer the To answer the Question of Identity  Who am I? the Apostle  Paul reveals to us

  • In Christ I have a new identity (1;1)
  • In Christ I am a saint (1:1)
  • In Christ I am a recipient of grace and peace (1:2)
  • In Christ I am blessed with all spiritual blessings (1:3)
  • In Christ I have been chosen to be holy from before the foundation of the world (1:4)
  • In Christ I have been predestined to be His Child (1.5)
  • In Christ I am highly favoured (1:6)
  • In Christ I am redeemed (1:7)
  • In Christ I am forgiven(1:7)
  • In Christ I am expectant (1:9-10)
  • In Christ I am sealed with the Spirit (1:13)
  • In Christ I have the Spirit as a deposit of the future (1:14)
  • In Christ I am greatly loved (2:4)
  • In Christ I have come alive (2:5)
  • In Christ I’ve been raised up and seated with him in heavenly places (2:6)
  • In Christ I am saved by grace through faith (2:8)
  • In Christ I am God’s workmanship (2:10)
  • In Christ I am a new Creation (2:10)

TO THE QUESTION OF Belonging WHERE DO I BELONG / WHERE DO I FIT IN — Declare these promises

  • In Christ I belong to the family of God (1:1-2)
  • In Christ I am included in the people of God (1:13)
  • In Christ I am part of His body (1:23)
  • In Christ I have been brought near to God (2:13)
  • In Christ I am part of a new race (2.15)
  • In Christ I have access to the Father by the Spirit (2:18)
  • In Christ I am a fellow citizen with God’s people (2:19)
  • In Christ I am a member of God’s household (2:19)
  • In Christ I am part of His holy temple (2:21)
  • In Christ I am part of His dwelling place (2:22)

 The Question of  PURPOSE / WHAT AM I LIVING FOR? Declare these truths

  • In Christ I have a new purpose in God (1:1)
  • In Christ I am to live for the praise of His Glory (1:6,12, 14)
  • In Christ I have works that God has planned in advance for me to do. (2:10)
  • In Christ I have an assignment from God (3:1-2)
  • In Christ I have been uniquely gifted by God (3:2-6)
  • In Christ I can be humble and powerful (3:7)
  • In Christ I am a servant of the gospel (3:7-8 )
  • In Christ I am called to serve the Church (3:10)
  • In Christ I am called to serve God’s eternal purpose (3:11)
  • In Christ I am called to suffering and glory (3:13)
  • The identity question …who am I,
  • The longing question … where do I belong , where do I fit in life
  • Then the purpose question … what am I living for.
  • The answers are all found IN CHRIST

But there is one more amazing thing chapter 1-3 of Ephesians shows us wonderful Prayer  promises

  • In Christ I can pray to the Father (1:7;3:14)
  • In Christ I can pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (1:17)
  • In Christ I can pray to know God better (1:17)
  • In Christ I pray to be enlightened (1:18)
  • In Christ I can pray to know the hope of his calling (1:18)
  • In Christ I can pray to know to know the riches of his inheritance (1:18)
  • In Christ I can pray to know the greatness of his power (1:19-20)
  • In Christ I can pray to a gloriously rich father (3:24)
  • In Christ I can pray for strengthening of the Spirit (3:16)
  • In Christ I can pray I can pray to know the indwelling of his presence (3:17)
  • In Christ I can pray to be rooted and established in love (3:17)
  • In Christ I can pray to know the dimensions of His love (3:18-19)
  • In Christ I can pray to be filled to the fullness of God ( 3:19)
  • In Christ I can pray knowing that God is able to immeasurably more than I ask or imagine (3:20)
  • In Christ I can pray knowing that all the glory goes to him, for ever and ever . (3:21)

And in light of all those truths and promises over and upon our lives and in our lives because of Christ Jesus … paul begins Ephesians 4 :1  by saying ….I therefore ( I light of all this I ), urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,


The Gift of The Holy Spirit

When I was around 9 years old and living in Northern Ireland, my mum & dad said they were going shopping for a surprise for me. I thought they were going to buy something for my vast Action Man collection. But, when they showed up hours later with a small table and chair, so I had a place to do homework in my room, I was really disappointed. They gave me what I needed, but I did not understand the value of it until years later when I had grown and matured. The gift they gave me to help me learn and grow was much better than anything I could have wanted for my entertainment as a young child.                                          

  In a similar way we see Jesus promising a gift to the disciples that they would not understand and appreciate until later. The disciples did not understand how anything could be better than having Jesus physically with them every day. So, in one of the last conversations Jesus has with His disciples before His death, He warned them about things that were to come. He told them what was going to happen to Him, and He promised them that even when He left, that He would not leave them alone. Jesus knew that the disciples were worried as He talked about His death. In response to this He explained to them why it was necessary for Him to die and the gift He was sending them, the Holy Spirit, who would help them.                                          

Jesus had to finish what He came to do. Without His death, He could not take away our sin and redeem us. Unless He rose again, death would not be defeated for us. Unless He went back to the father, the Holy Spirit would not come to guide us into all truth. What a gift the Holy Spirit is to us. We have the Holy Spirit to comfort us, to teach us truth, and to direct us to Jesus in every moment.                                      

God has given you an amazing gift as a believer. On this Pentecost Sunday you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you. This is an amazing gift that’s proof to us of God’s constant concern, protection, direction and power for each of our lives. Let’s spend a few moments today and thank God for this incredible, amazing gift.                 

The lost the art of evangelism!

I came across this Blog by Billy Kennedy which I have found incredibly  helpful from his experience of the ‘The Turning’  in Southampton . I thank him for this.



October 22, 2016 Billy Kennedy  – Pastor of Pioneer Church

We’ve been on the streets of Southampton over the past 12 days. Over 550 people have now prayed a prayer of response to Jesus. This is the prayer they’ve prayed:

Lord Jesus. Come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins. Wash me. Change me. Set me free. Let me never be the same again. Lord Jesus. I believe you died for me. Thank you that you rose from the dead and that you now pray for me from heaven. Help me to live for you. And fulfil everything you have called me to do. I thank you that I am now forgiven. And on my way to heaven. In Jesus name. AMEN.

As I said, over 550 people have willingly prayed that prayer (and many hundreds were not interested!). But rather than being met with wholesale enthusiasm I have picked up a fair amount of scepticism and negativity from some quarters. So, let me unpack some of my learning.

We’ve lost the art of evangelism!

Most of the evangelistic endeavours we employ in the western world is event based. We (church leaders) put on events and encourage church members to invite their friends in order that we (church leaders or invited evangelists0 can lead those friends to Christ. We spend lots of money on advertising, hiring venues, bands, entertainers and evangelists. And then we (nearly always) get disappointed because ‘the people’ didn’t bring ‘their friends’. I know that may not be true in your world but it has been the case in mine (and many of my church leader friends).

But this is quite different. Ordinary people mobilised to share the Good News simply to strangers on the street.

The thought of doing this terrified me. I had done this stuff years ago. It was hard work and didn’t really work. So, as I faced the prospect of getting out there again I had to examine my heart and ask why it terrified me so much.

I had to recognise that I had become indifferent to people who didn’t know Christ. My heart had become cold. I also had to recognise that I had lost confidence in the power of the Gospel to change and transform people’s lives. I’d been around church too long trying to fix broken people, helping people with doubt and unanswered prayer and struggling with my own stuff and disappointments. Did I still believe ‘just one touch from the King could change everything’?

And then there was ‘the script’ – this wasn’t the Gospel. It was far too limiting and restrictive

And on top of that there was the question of ‘follow up’. We are about making disciples not simply encouraging people to make a decision.

So, I took my fear, doubts and questions and took the plunge and ‘got out there’.

Context and culture

I’ve reflected on the reasons why many of us find evangelism so hard. I think a lot of it has to do with our (British) context and culture.

Here’s some thoughts.

One of the reasons we (British church members) find it so hard to evangelise – friends or strangers – is because of the predominant cultural values where we live.

We’re British. Reserved. Respecting privacy (wealth means we gain more of it. Remote homes. Higher fences. More ‘space’). Non-offensive. Stoic. Critical (in the positive sense, i.e. we don’t take everything at face value).

Most of us, therefore, don’t want to be approached on the street, and be ‘invaded’ by someone else’s opinions, or sold something we don’t want or asked to fill in some sort of questionnaire.

As well as the heart issues I had to address I had these mental barriers to break through. I wasn’t alone. Not only were we breaking out of our personal comfort zones we were breaking these unspoken cultural values.

I’m not saying we suddenly had to become brash and offensive. But rather bold and confident.

The journey for the church in the UK over the past few decades has seen us learn to love our neighbour and serve our communities in unprecedented ways. We’ve learned that we do this with ‘no strings attached’. We don’t care for the orphan to ‘get them saved’ but because we recognise their intrinsic worth as a human being and we proclaim by our actions the reality of the coming Kingdom.

As we have partnered with local authorities and central government we’ve had to make clear that our goal is not to proselytise but to serve.

So moving from that environment to evangelism on the streets takes another mental leap. The two Archbishops – Sentamu and Welby – have really helped me here. They both regularly mix with government, royalty, other faith leaders and business leaders. As I have observed them in those contexts they speak diplomatically but as I observe in other contexts (and in the case of John Sentamu, on the streets) I hear them freely talk about Jesus, faith and the challenge of discipleship. It’s what people expect of them.

So I had to break through this barrier and get comfortable with the fact (again) that I’m first and foremost a ‘minister of the Gospel of Jesus’ and people expect me to talk about Jesus.

At this year’s Pioneer leaders conference I talked about the way the Methodist movement saw a huge growth in membership and influenced societal change in the 19th century. Both elements were critically important. An evangelistic zeal that saw 1000s of people come to Christ and people of influence changing legislation, setting up organisations to meet society’s challenges and using their wealth for the benefit of others.

So, I’ve realised we just need a bit of boldness wrapped in genuine love. We’ve spent too long in meetings asking for ‘more’, making declarations and then hoping God does something sovereignly that doesn’t involve us. In Acts 4 the church prayed for ‘more’. The Lord answered their prayers and sent the Holy Spirit AND gave them boldness to speak. When they spoke they saw fruit.

We have been silent for too long. These last few days have shown me that we need to get our tongues loosened.

The truth it’s not just about the ‘streets’. We’ve been silent for too long with our neighbours, family members, work colleagues and school friends.

It’s time to find our voice

What on earth is happening?

I have probably had more feedback and questions about two very specific things – ‘the script’ and ‘follow up’.

Before I tackle those I want to share some thoughts on the wider perspective of what I sense the Spirit is doing.

Firstly let me say there does appear to be something quite unprecedented going on with ‘The Turning’. The sheer numbers of people responding with a willingness to pray the prayer I outlined in part 1 is staggering. Over 1800 in Reading in 4 weeks, 650+ in Liverpool in 2 weeks and now over 550 in Southampton. I don’t think the UK has witnessed this level of responsiveness since the Billy Graham crusades of the 1950s/60s and the Jesus Movement in the late 60s/early 70s.

So, it’s important that we take time to look at a wider perspective of what the Spirit is doing. I think there is more going on than we see.

I find the timing interesting.

The EA, HOPE and the CfE recently produced the ‘Talking Jesus’ report which highlighted the challenges facing the church with regards the perception of the wider population to Jesus and faith. And then, the two Archbishops, in partnership with 24-7prayer, called the (Anglican) church to set aside the week leading up to Pentecost as a ‘week of prayer for Christians to find fresh confidence and boldness to share their faith’. It was a huge ‘success’. Over 5,000 prayer rooms were set up with an estimated 100,000 people involved from a wide range of churches.

A few weeks later news began to trickle out about tens of people responding to Christ on the streets of Reading every day. A Baptist Church? A Nigerian Scot or Scottish Nigerian (as Yinka refers to himself)? An American evangelist? Reading

Was the Lord answering our prayers?

Lynn Green, the General Secretary of the Baptist Union, brought a prophetic word to the church in Reading a few months previously about an outpouring in Reading that would affect the nation. (You can watch a video of Lynn delivering the word on Yinka’s Facebook page). By Lynn’s own admission it’s not what she normally does or how she normally operates.

That’s why when things began to ‘kick off’ in Reading Yinka soon began to realise ‘this was that that was spoken of by the prophet’. Yinka quickly sought to engage other churches in the city (another hallmark of what seems to happening) as he realised this was way bigger than one local church’s outreach.

It’s easy to be put off or take offence by ‘style’ and I know some people were. I went to Pensacola with my friend, Matt Hyam, in the late 90s. We hated the style. But after working through our cultural discomfort we both had incredible encounters with God.

I have been hugely impressed with the way Yinka and the church in Reading have taken responsibility to steward what God is doing. 31 towns and cities in the UK have requested that Yinka brings a team to work with them.

So, what do I think is happening?

I think God is responding to the prayers of many over many years. I also believe the church’s engagement with the least and most forgotten in recent years has pleased the heart of God. It’s what the church is called to do and should always be doing.

The heart for unity, so evident in so many places, is according to Psalm 133, the signal for God’s blessing. As we have humbled ourselves and recognised our brothers and sisters in Christ He is empowering his church with a fresh confidence and boldness.

This is about the Body. The ministry gifts given to the church listed by Paul in Ephesians 4 are to equip the ‘saints for works of service.

At the same time political, economic and institutional challenges have created an openness and hunger in people’s hearts for something more.

What we’re witnessing on the streets is the result/fruit of all the above.

The scattering of seed on well ploughed soil. The watering of seeds that have already been planted and, in some cases, we are seeing the harvest. It’s all happening at the same time.

Amos 9:13 ‘The days are coming’, declares the Lord, ‘when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills’.

I think we’ll see the real fruit in the church of this time in the next 5 – 10 years if we stay committed to share the Gospel – with our words and actions – and consistently share the ‘way of salvation’ with those around us.

The script!

As I’ve said one of the things people have struggled with on hearing about what’s happening on the streets is ‘the script’ that the team uses.

A friend of mine, Philip Emerson, leads Emmanuel Church in Lurgan, Northern Ireland. At the beginning of the year he encouraged every church member to ask the Lord for the opportunity to lead one person to Christ in 2016. The main feedback he received was that a lot of people wouldn’t know what to do. So, they developed a simple tool – a set of cards with some Bible verses and a prayer to lead someone to faith in Christ.

The script is simply that. A helpful tool to lead people to the point of decision.

Archbishop John Sentamu has spent a lot of time recently on the streets talking with people about Jesus. He uses the Lord’s Prayer as his main script.

As a church we have been good at praying for blessing or healing but the script takes it one step further – encouraging people to make a response.

The script leads a person through to that point of decision and gives confidence to those using it to know what to do.

The challenge with any communication of the Gospel is how do you do justice to this most incredible Good News in a 5 or 10 minute conversation.

Paul summarised the Gospel in what became one of the earliest ‘scripts’ (or creeds):

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

So, it’s possible!

The script that ‘The Turning’ team are using has been widely used in many evangelistic contexts. It’s not perfect but it’s not a bad attempt at presenting the way of salvation succinctly in non-religious language.

Before I go through the script I want to say that I recognise becoming a follower of Christ is a life-long journey. Praying a prayer or should I say praying THE prayer is not some sort of magic that guarantees your ticket to heaven. That’s not what Jesus was about. But in our context – post-Christian Britain – I wonder if the invitation is awakening a spiritual hunger in those that are praying it?

Someone asked me if this sort of approach does more harm than good. Does it not give people a false sense of security? My experience has been that the majority of people we spoke to this week have no God-consciousness, that is, they never think about God from one day to the next. It’s just not something they are interested in or concerned about. Just having the conversation, offering prayer, inviting the person to pray can only be a positive thing. One of things that thrilled me the most was walking around the city centre seeing groups of Christians engaged in conversations about Jesus with people on street.

So, what’s in ‘script’?

God loves you and has a plan for your life!

This is the opening line. Not a bad attempt to declare the Good News. This is the same good news that the Angels announced in Luke 1. Their proclamation of Good News heralded the fact that God hadn’t forgotten his people. He was sending a saviour because he loved them and had a purpose for them.

If you were to die tonight do you know with certainty that you would go to heaven?

This is probably the line most of us struggle with. My understanding of the Gospel is much bigger, broader and greater than ‘going to heaven’. I have read too much Tom Wright.

But the Good News – Christ installed as King, his incarnation, death and resurrection ushering in a new age – needs to move from the cosmic to the individual.

I am seeing this statement as asking, ‘do you have the assurance of salvation’. It’s possible to know we’re saved, our sins are forgiven and our eternal destiny is secured.

This is what John Wesley sought and finally discovered when ‘his heart was strangely warmed when he knew that Christ had indeed forgiven his sins’.

But this sort of language has no meaning for the average unchurched person. But the language of what happens when you die does. Most people in our culture assume everyone (except really bad people) goes to heaven when they die. But they’ve never been challenged to think about it.

I don’t mind putting the challenge out there. When I got saved I didn’t have a full understanding of the Gospel – I was afraid I would go to hell. At that stage that was it. It was my starting point but it’s not where I’ve ended up. My understanding has grown and matured over time.

The script then leads into three verses from Romans:

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.

Whoever calls in the name of the Lord will be saved.

In his book, The King Jesus Gospel, Scott McKnight makes a distinction between the Gospel – which is proclaimed – and the way of salvation – which can be explained. I like that. The script begins with the declaration of Good News and then in these verse shows the way of salvation.

Then there is the invitation for the person to pray along with you inviting Christ into their hearts.

This is what good evangelists are able to do – bring people to the point of decision. The Gospel has implications for every human being and we all have to make a response.

I’m amazed at how many people have been comfortable to pray this prayer out loud on the street with a complete stranger!

Apart from taking contact details to enable follow up, that’s it!

I hadn’t got to that point one on one with anyone in years. This week I’ve had the privilege of doing it numerous times.

You may not like this approach. My challenge to you would then be to develop something that works for you.

One of our guys has changed the wording in the script but keeps to the overall structure and flow. That works for him.

As I said at the start, it’s not perfect but it’s not a bad attempt to succinctly and clearly communicate the Gospel and lead people to a point of response.

Follow up

Our church’s vision is to see Changed Lives & Transformed Communities. Our mission is to see fully surrendered disciples of Jesus bringing transformation to their communities as they love their neighbour, share the Gospel and make their contribution.

Over the past couple of years we have been defining the process that enables our vision to become reality. For us, this involves four stages (not necessarily linear) of seeing people come to:

Know Christ

Find a place of belonging

Grow in their knowledge of what it means to be a disciple

Engage in their world

Therefore, the number of people ‘getting saved’ or the size of our church are not the main criteria for success. ‘Success’ (not a word I particularly enjoy using in this context) is when people who have encountered Christ, discover what they’re called to and get on and do it. The result of their engagement is community transformation. It’s a lot harder to measure but that’s what we’re about.

The area we have been weakest in is the area of seeing people come to know Christ. So, it’s interesting to me that we know have a dilemma about how we see those who have prayed on the street enter a lifelong journey of discipleship.

The team in Reading are working really hard at this and I know the guys at Causeway Coast Vineyard – who have now seen a few thousand people respond on the streets – are also grappling with the challenges.

I don’t think there are lots of easy answers but here’s a few (early) reflections.

  1. Language. What is happening when people willingly pray a prayer inviting Christ into their lives. I would say, just that. I would avoid saying people have been ‘converted’, ‘saved’ or ‘become Christians’. They have simply made a response to what they have heard about Christ. I would say for some of these people they will look back and recognise that was the moment of their conversion but for the vast majority a seed has been sown or a seed has been watered. This isn’t a cop-out but a realistic assessment of what’s happening. For many the ‘knowledge gap’ is enormous and therefore the process could take a long time. I’m encouraged by testimonies of people who had random encounters with Christians and 5, 10, 15 years later made a commitment to follow Christ. The initial encounter was the beginning of their journey.
  2. We probably need to ask if the ‘wine skins’ we currently have are sufficient for what is happening. My suspicion is that they’re not. Our current model of drawing people into an established Christian community may not work for those who are contacted on the street. Jesus spent 3 years travelling round the villages in Israel proclaiming Good News but we have no record or evidence of ‘Jesus communities’ being established during that time. I’m not sure what that could look like but maybe we need to be more present and visible with a focus on going to with than inviting people to come to?
  3. I came across the term ‘Saturation Evangelism’ a number of years ago. It generally refers to a mass distribution of evangelistic material in an area. Over the past two weeks we have seen almost 300 Christians trained and released onto the streets of Southampton to share about Jesus. A whole new take on the term ‘saturation evangelism’. The apostle Paul says that as we sow generously we will also reap generously. There has to be an element of faith in what we’re doing. We are scattering seed generously and can expect a generous harvest. This can’t just be a two week binge and then we’re never seen again but we have to develop a consistent and faithful presence on our streets but one that is sustainable.
  4. The real shift will come as we see the culture in the church change. One of our friend’s 12 year old daughter led her best friend to Christ at school on Monday. I can imagine in 10 years time Milly (not her real name) getting up one Sunday to share her testimony as she embarks on a missions trip to Malawi and recalls how her best friend told her about Jesus when she was 12. Imagine that story repeated across our church congregations. Culture takes time to change. I think we’re looking at a 3 – 5 year time frame if we maintain the focus. 9 years ago we embarked on a journey to see city transformation. 9 years on we are amazed at the number of fresh initiatives that have sprung up, the partnerships that have emerged and the individuals now serving in key roles across the city. Changing culture takes time.
  5. The church has come together in a amazing way over the past two weeks with the simple goal of sharing Jesus. It’s not been about promoting a particular church, stream or denomination. All sorts of churches are now getting involved following up those who have responded. I know this pleases the heart of God. What it also means is that we will all be grappling with the challenge of following up the 500+ people who have responded. I’m excited to see what creative solutions might emerge as we learn together.

These are just my early reflections. I’m sure they’ll evolve and be reshaped in the light of our experiences over the next few months. But I was keen to enable others to have some insight as to what is going on.

It could be a significant moment in the life of the church in the nation on all sorts of levels.

The ‘Resurrection’ sets Christianity apart

What makes Christianity any different? The answer is the resurrection. Jesus took our sins, died on a cross and came back to life. People make pilgrimages to the grave sites of other religious leaders. Christians visit an empty tomb.
3 Reasons ‘The Resurrection’ Sets Christianity Apart
1. Jesus’ resurrection cancels out our sins.
We were dead to our sins, but Jesus died to pay for our sins (Romans 3:25). His resurrection defeated sin’s hold on us and enabled us to have our sins forgiven. No other religion in the world teaches our need for God to save us from sin by His grace alone. Christianity teaches that we can experience forgiveness for all of our sins because He cancelled the record of our sins, took it away by nailing it to the cross, and rose again to set us free (Colossians 2:13-14).
2. Jesus’ resurrection connects us to God.
In other religions, God is represented as impersonal, distant and unapproachable. Christianity teaches that God is loving, inviting and accessible. Jesus’ resurrection bridged the gap between our sinfulness and God’s holiness creating a way for us to connect with God. Jesus made a way for us to have a relationship with God (Matthew 27:50-51). In Christianity, we can talk, worship and pray with God, but other religions teach that there is no direct communication with God. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we have direct access to God and a right relationship with Him.
3. Jesus’ resurrection confirms he is alive.
“Jesus’ resurrection proves that He is who He says He is and that He is alive. “Everything Jesus ever claimed would have been a lie had it not been for the resurrection. Many prophets and teachers came before him claiming many of the same things, but only Jesus had the power to defeat death by rising from the dead three days after being crucified. Christianity is the only religion in the world where God has an empty tomb (Matthew 28:6). Jesus’ resurrection proves that He is who He says He is and that He is alive. Jesus is the only one who was dead and is now alive (Revelation 1:18); no other religion can make that claim. Without the resurrection there would be no Christianity as everything we believe in and stand for would be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:13-19). Jesus’ resurrection sets Christianity apart because God set His son Jesus apart for us to live for Him.


We often think of worship as something that happens once a week on Sunday morning. We listen and sing, and given the right combination of emotions, we might even put our hands up.  Going to church and singing are part of worship, but too often we lose sight of the fact that every facet of our life is to be committed to worshipping God.  I Corinthians 10:31 says, “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

Revelation 4 offers descriptions of some rather interesting creatures. Scholars have argued for centuries about what these creatures represent, but rather than focusing on their differences, the focus ought to be on what they have in common. Each creature is praising God. No matter how different they are, their purpose is the same: to glorify God. This is our purpose as well. We exist to worship God — not just one hour a week or one day a week, but with every thought and breath.

Often, the vehicles God gives us to offer worship becomes the object of our worship. This was not God’s design. Our work, hobbies, spouses and children are gifts from God and opportunities to worship God. Everything exists to celebrate Him.

Each decision we make speaks to what we worship. What we choose to do with our time and talents and treasure is a reflection of what we have chosen to worship.


Reflect    Look back at your decisions this week . What do they say about what you worship?

  • Is your life committed to many good things, or to the Only Good Thing?

“Worship has been misunderstood as something that arises from a feeling which “comes upon you,” but it is vital that we understand that it is rooted in a conscious act of the will, to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.”   ……..Graham Kendrick

Christmas Teaches Gratitude By Pastor Eddie Crain

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.James 1:17

There is a simple attitude that determines in our own minds whether we are rich or poor, blessed or cursed, and fundamentally positive or negative about life. To make that enormous of a difference, that attitude must be incredibly powerful. And it is. That attitude is gratitude!

One person gets a job and is thrilled to be a contributing member of a team – and to be paid for it to boot. Another person gets the same job with the same company and with the same pay and benefits and feels cheated. One person literally has a great job and the other has an equally crummy job. Why? The difference is an attitude of gratitude.

One teen looks under the Christmas tree, finds a simple and thoughtful gift from her mom, and knows she is loved; all that another teen can think about as he tears the glossy wrapping paper form the box is the new cell phone model he didn’t get. She had a great Christmas morning and got absolutely everything she wanted; he had a lousy Christmas and didn’t get anything good. Again the only difference was gratitude.

After a long pregnancy that generated more questions than congratulations; that nearly led to a marriage ending before it started; that included a painful and arduous journey; that culminated in her son being born in conditions fit for animals but not for humans, how did Mary respond? Luke tells us that she “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (2:19). In Bethlehem, among the animals, she found joy

She could have complained that God was doing nothing good for her, that her husband was a lousy provider, that the innkeeper should be put in prison for denying her a bed in the house, but instead she declared the “great things” God had done (Luke 1:49).

This central Christmas story – and the joys and challenges of our modern holiday – remind us that gratitude changes everything. Whether there are gifts stacked to the ceiling with your name on them or you aren’t sure anyone is going to give you anything, stop and give thanks to God, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts!

You’ll receive a special blessing in your spirit and discover you have everything you need!!


* Excerpt from “The Simple Blessings of Christmas”

God with us

When presents are placed under the Christmas tree, I guess we all look for one with our name on it and the size of it! But  often it’s the tiny parcels bearing your  name that  bring such wonder and excitement.  Many times these tiny presents hold more value than the larger ones.

Sometimes I find scripture works the same way. Matthew 1:23 is a small verse with a small phrase packaged inside. “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” —which means, “God with us.”  “God with us,” is such a small phrase, but the meaning is invaluable. Jesus’ name, Immanuel, means, “God with us.” God, who created us, left heaven to live with men. He came to show us Himself and the way to life. I have the hope that my Saviour loves me so much He gave up the comfort of heaven, even His own life, for me. He walked down dirty paths where animals passed for me with the same feet that walked streets in heaven. He experienced hunger for me; although, He had created everything men eat. He subjected himself to rejection and extreme pain for me, having done nothing to deserve it. He experienced a broken world in order to heal it.

We have hope. If Jesus loves us that much, He will take care of us. Because God came to live with us, we know how to live with Him forever. Have you committed your life to Jesus? Have you accepted his gift of forgiveness? This Christmas, we won’t find hope in any of the gifts we find under the tree, but we can find it in this small phrase, “God with us.”

Rejoice and Celebrate

Thank you Church for supporting and praying for the 32 teenagers and 7 leaders that went to Soul Survivor this week. It was amazing! .A number began their faith journey with Jesus for the first time, some were baptised in the Spirit.


Well, another football season as started, each week millions of children, parents, students, grandparents can’t wait for a goal to  throw their hands in the air and celebrate as loud as they can. Why? Because the outcome of the game matters to them.

 Luke 15 gives multiple parables about salvation. The result of every one? Celebration.

 When the lost sheep was found: “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep” (Luke 15:6). When the woman finds her lost coin: “She calls her friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin’” (Luke 15:9). When the lost son returned home: “We HAD to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (Luke 15:32).


The Bible shows us that the result of salvation should ALWAYS be celebration. Everyone that is saved has a story that is worth celebrating with all that we’ve got because the outcome of their decision matters to Jesus! This week we saw a number of teenagers began their walk with Jesus so lets throw our hands in the air and celebrate as loud as we  can because God is mighty to save!



  • What you celebrate is a direct reflection of what you worship. What are you celebrating most in your life today?
  • How can you celebrate others’ stories of salvation?